What is it?
When a property is being built upon in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Act 537 outlines the many requirements of sewage planning. DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) planning modules are necessary whether there is public (city) sewer or an individual septic system on the property.
Why do I need it?
DEP planning modules are usually handled along with a subdivision, but occasionally a lot will not have a sewage plan. Before planning to build on the lot, a plan needs prepared and approved by the Pennsylvania DEP.
How do you do it?
An accurate property survey is the starting point for DEP planning modules. In addition to the standard property survey, relevant sewage locations are identified and included on the survey: the locations of public sewer and/or locations of pit and perc testing for a proposed on lot sewage disposal system. The planning modules are filled out by the surveyor in collaboration with the sewage enforcement officer for the municipality, township, or borough. A PNDI (Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory) search is also performed to determine if there are any endangered plants of animals on the property. If endangered species are found, additional research and studies may be required and reviewed by any involved agencies. After the forms and plans are reviewed and approved by the PA DEP, the municipality, township, or borough can issue a permit for sewage disposal.